Earning a blanket of roses is every equestrian’s dream. In 2021, Gracie Kay DeRonde had that goal realized at the American Royal National Championship.

Every year, the Royal hosts several national championships. Equitation is undeniably one of the most competitive divisions, with dozens of participants of all ages.

Friday evening held the American Royal Senior Equitation National Championship, for riders ages 14 through 17. 14-year-old Gracie and her mount, Sunset’s Flying Kiss (“Penny”), elegantly trotted into the ring with great determination.

After the riders completed their rail work, the judges selected only 8 riders to execute the assigned pattern. Gracie and Penny made the selection, which was an honor in itself.

Gracie and Penny waiting to perform their pattern

The patterns were completed in reverse numerical order, which put Gracie and Penny as second to last. This worked to their advantage, since it left a lasting final impression on the judges.

From the very first pivot in the pattern, Gracie and Penny completed it with smooth elegance and precision. Their trot back to the lineup was one of the most striking passes this team has made together.

Gracie and Penny trotting back to the lineup after performing a strong pattern

After all the patterns were finished and the results were being tallied, everyone breathed a sigh of relief that Gracie had such a strong ride. There were no expectations for any specific ribbon and being there was itself a significant accomplishment.

The only person who had some expectations after witnessing Gracie’s ride was her dad, Jeremy. While waiting for the results, Jeremy walked down from the stands to be with the Van Zomerens at the in-gate, because he “had a feeling.”

Proud dad, Jeremy, waiting at the in-gate

It turned out that Jeremy’s instincts were spot on, and Gracie was announced at the National Champion! As Renae placed the blanket of roses on Penny’s back, Gracie couldn’t hold back the tears. It was a huge dream come true and quite the accomplishment for only a 14 year old!

Gracie has ridden with Timber Hills Farm since she was 8 years old, and has worked very hard to reach this monumental moment. She and Penny have become quite the team in their 2 seasons together, and their bond is indescribable. Winning the roses was icing on the cake for their special journey together!

Gracie and some of her “village”