In a year where many large public events have been cancelled, the Midwest Un-Fair show was created to soften the blow of cancelled state fairs throughout the Midwest. The creators included many features of a usual fair — a prize booth, fair queen, and even a spotlight for the winners’ victory passes. The event allowed many show-goers to forget the realities of 2020 for a weekend.
Timber Hills Farm enjoyed great success at this show. A major highlight was Gracie Kay DeRonde and Abigail Van Kooten sweeping the competitive Iowa Equitation Cup – earning champion and reserve champion. They were also champion and reserve champion in the 10-rider equitation championship. We are so very proud of these two!

The Kanis family also enjoyed successful rides. Jess and Corgi competed in large and competitive classes. Their efforts even earned them a reserve in hunt seat equitation (feel free to ask Jess how much she loves equitation and patterns). This pair is so smooth and consistent!

Zeb and Moon had strong rides in equitation classes and completed two great patterns. This young man, fresh out of academy, is stepping up to the challenge of equitation. He was awarded with a blue ribbon in the Saddle & Bridle pleasure equitation qualifier.

Kenzie and Moon are a team that keeps getting better and better at every show. Another fresh face to the “suits” world, Kenzie guided Moon in large, competitive classes to two top three finishes. Kenzie’s bright smile and Moon’s strong presence are always fun to watch.

Sharon and Skylar gave a fabulous performance in adult country pleasure. This pair was the epitome of mannerly and lovely, and earned a second place ribbon in a competitive class. It’s been a joy to see Sharon progress with Skylar!

Margo Hattery and Mo were on a roll Friday afternoon – earning 2 blue ribbons in western. Margo has strong past experiences in western, and it’s an honor to have her be part of Mo’s western journey.

Mo and Avis also earned their very first Saddle and Bridle Shatner Western belt buckle at the Un-Fair show. Winning this prize is a big deal!

Kenzie also rode Brookhill’s Hot Chick, aka “Hope”, in her very first show ring appearance in a walk/trot training class. It was a blue ribbon debut! We’re proud of how this rescue horse has come along in the short time we’ve had her, and we’re grateful Kenzie was willing show her for the very first time! Addi also showed Hope in her very first walk/trot/canter class – Hope is very new to cantering under saddle. Addi took this challenge and quickly made improvements between her 2 rides.

Our academy riders also performed well. Leah was another rider who competed with Hope at her first show, and guided her with confidence and grace. Cameron and Ella both showed Ellie – both exhibiting determination and horsemanship. It’s sure enjoyable to watch all of our riders grow with every ride they have.

2020 has been a year for the books, but we’re grateful for a horse show that brought a sense of normalcy and fun! There is always a silver lining in every situation, and the Midwest Unfair Show certainly was one.