Here is information on Drill Team Camp:
Kids’ Camp
June 4, 1:00-5:00.
June 5, 8:00-4:00. We will provide lunch and snacks.
June 6, 8:00-noon.
Kids’ Camp is for people who can already ride, which means handle safely one of our horses or their own. They must have the ability to post at a brisk trot and guide a horse safely. We have researched an 8 horse drill team maneuver that requires better than novice horsemanship. We will have assembled 8 great horses to be able to do this (no, none of you will need to ride Majestic Lady!!). Riding in a drill team is not only exciting, but increases a rider’s horsemanship skills to be able to cope with other horses and riders in close proximity safely. It requires quick thinking and the ability to guide your horse through maneuvers safely with skill.
Tilly Woodward, award winning-artist-fellow-horsewoman-mom-of-equitation-champion-Adrian-Bell-Deines, will set up her incredible art stations for a diversity to our interest involving art projects as well. To any one you that have attended past summer camps with Tilly’s assistance, you’ll understand our excitement of being able to include her on Thurs and Friday.
Cost $150 which includes a T-shirt we will use in exhibitions.
Adult Camp
June 4 and 5, 6:30PM-???
We know some of you working adults may wish to be included, so we’ve set aside this time for you to learn a maneuver and participate also. Some of you may wish to bring your own horses. We will board them overnight on Thursday night if you wish. You also will get a t-shirt and be qualified to ride in exhibitions.
Cost $100
Exhibitions: We have already received an OK to perform exhibitions of our Drill Team talents during the Midstates Horse and Pony Show, Iowa State Fairgrounds, July 17-19. Whatever mix of riders and horses we can put together in this 8 horse drill can perform different times during this horse show. Many of these horses will also be showing there, so it will be a fun packed couple of days.
My hope is that while we are performing at Midstates that we can attract the Iowa State Fair Horse Show superintendent so we may also perform during the Society Horse Show of the Iowa State Fair, August 18-20. Who knows? Wouldn’t that be FUN??
Please let me know who is interested. With the 8 horse drill we can organize different groups of 8 to practice.
Thanks for your excitement and persistence. How gratifying to know so many have this interest